Sam's Yearbook Photo, September 2005.

Sam Foster

Full Name: Samuel Michael Foster

Birthdate: Tuesday, July 3, 1990, 10:38 A.M. in O'Hara, Oregon

Physical Stats:

Family Information: His parents, Leah and Robert Foster; a stepmother, Holly; an older sister, Zoey, and twin half-sisters, Emily and Brianna. Sam also has a dog, Doc.

Likes: Science, time travel, science-fiction, technology, and computers. Sam has a great love of time travel stories, his favorite being the Back to the Future film series. He is interested in history, perhaps because the past is set and he likes that consistency. He enjoys applying his talents with computers to creating computer programs for his father's business, and his own endeavors like the time machine.

Dislikes: Impulsiveness and change, which is too unexpected for his tastes; Sam prefers to have more forewarning so he can plan and prepare for things. Also, he doesn't really like his young stepmother, Holly.

Favorite Websites:

Sam's Favorite Quote:

"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."

-- Dr. Emmett L. Brown, "Back to the Future"